“…to celebrate and witness love, justice, and mercy by facilitating spiritual enlightenment, welcoming differences, and embracing the interconnected web of life…”

Ongoing Groups at UUCCV


Join the UUCCV choir in celebrating the musical talents in our congregation while also providing lovely music for services and special events! 

Email Suzi at uuhickory@gmail.com to be added to the UUCCV choir email chain for more info.

Diving Deeper Logo

Diving Deeper: Tuesdays mornings

Diving Deeper is a weekly discussion and exploration group that is open to all.

For questions, contact Linda Monroe: lmonroe13@yahoo.com

When: Tuesday mornings

Where: UUCCV

Meditation Group at UUCCV

Meditation Group: Saturdays at 11 AM

Meditation Group meets at UUCCV every Saturday at 11 am. We meet for 30-minute silent meditation followed by discussion.

If you are interested or have questions please contact John Shirreffs johneyevee@gmail.com.

Recovery Friends: Every other Sunday from 4pm – 5:30pm

Where: UUCCV

For more information, please text Gwendolyn Rose at 828-455-9175 or email at rose.gwendolyn@gmail.com.


We hold multi-platform services every Sunday at 10:30 am Eastern!

That means you can join us in person–

833 5th St. SE
Hickory, NC 28602
Get directions

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