“…to celebrate and witness love, justice, and mercy by facilitating spiritual enlightenment, welcoming differences, and embracing the interconnected web of life…”


For Unitarian Universalists, the offering is a celebration that this free congregation is supported and governed by the people; it is a voluntary act of commitment to support the ministry and social actions of this church, the district, and the association.  We feel it is also a privilege, supported by the generosity of all who join with us.

This offering is given and received in grateful appreciation of our shared hopes and values. 

For One-Time or Weekly Donation

We’re glad to be able to offer you the option of making an offering online, in safety and security guaranteed by Breeze. 

You can even arrange to make this a monthly donation withdrawn automatically!

Your contribution is still tax-deductible and will be duly noted in our records.

online giving through breeze

If you prefer to give by check, make it out to “UUCCV” and place it in the collection on Sunday or mail it to:

833 5th Street SE
Hickory NC 28602

For Annual Pledges

    I/we will fulfill the pledge by:

    I/we will fulfill the pledge in the following time frame (this information helps with budget planning.) Please choose one:

    If making a one-time payment, when?
    (This information helps with our budget planning):