“…to celebrate and witness love, justice, and mercy by facilitating spiritual enlightenment, welcoming differences, and embracing the interconnected web of life…”

UUCCV Member Resources

Submit an Announcement

Please use the button below to submit an announcement for inclusion in Sunday’s service by noon on Saturday.
*The service leader has the discretion to edit announcements for length.

Submit Joys and Sorrows

We have a time in our Sunday services for our members and guests to share what’s most urgently and deeply on their hearts. Please use the button below to include your Joy or Sorrow in Sunday's service by noon on Saturday.

Subscribe to Currents

Subscribe to our weekly e-newsletter.

UUCCV Google Calendar

View our calendar or subscribe to stay up-to-date.

Breeze Access

Breeze is our cloud-based management system the houses our members' information. If you have any questions using Breeze or need to request a login, please contact the Operations Assistant.

UUCCV Policies

We have a growing number of policies at UUCCV. Our policies are in place to help us to create processes designed to make life easier for all of us and to eliminate guesswork about who is responsible for what.

Care Team Support

The Care Team assists those in our congregation who are experiencing a crisis, such as illness or a death in the family. We might arrange meals for a limited time, or a ride to the doctor's appointment, or provide information on local resources. We also offer support through home visits, calls, emails, and cards. If requested, we can let the wider congregation know of your conditions or concerns. Contact Linda Monroe at lmonroe13@yahoo.com if you have a need, or click the button below. Please be specific about what type of help you are requesting.