“…to celebrate and witness love, justice, and mercy by facilitating spiritual enlightenment, welcoming differences, and embracing the interconnected web of life…”

Sharing Joys and Sorrows

We have a time in our Sunday services for our members and guests to share what’s most urgently and deeply on their hearts.

We call this “Joys and Sorrows” because what people want to share in this time tends to be one or the other of those. But sometimes we may have one of each! Such is life.

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We’ve tried different ways of doing this, and we’ve learned that everybody benefits when we keep it simple. So we ask everyone who wants to share to do so in writing. Then our lay leader can simply read them all aloud during the service.

This allows as many people as possible to share their milestones and concerns, their heartbreaks and elations.

With the form on this page, you can send in your “Joy and/or Sorrow” any time during the week until late Saturday night. After that, we’d ask you to wait for next week…

Writing out what you want to share gives you a chance to think about what you want to say before it’s time to say it. We’ve found that helps a lot, too.